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Sad but in Crisis many groups turn to same think and dont question what those at "higher" levels are saying..

Fauci during the Aids epidemic , long before any antivirals or vaccines were available and working, was confronted that he should talk Prevention of sexual spread of a deadly disease.. He for years refused.. Kept promising cures.. sigh Many Died not focusing on the only help then which was prevention.. Even now resistance to antivirals is big issue .. and No vaccine has ever worked for Aids.

Quid Est Veritas or what is truth even Pontius Pilate asked Christ.. Truth has been issue for a long time BUT in recent years Character Courage and Conviction to be Honest has dropped down in many areas .. So many just go along with what "authority figures " say is true ..

Those in power try to suppress the truth if it goes against their agenda.. ie to profit off massive distribution of vaccine even as data was showing myocarditis and other risks..

In the 1970s when Swine Flu vaccine was causing guillan barre syndrome , the word properly got out and low risk folks no longer got that vaccine .. For Covid, the truth was suppressed and the push to vaccinate low risk individuals massive.

Fortunately some other countries are doing a better job of trying to assess risk benefit for covid vaccine. but here in the usa too many are now employees following the company guidelines ..

I am enjoying seeing the pockets of thinking Honest folks comment on the propaganda lines

The Farmers in Europe are trying to call out insane rules on them and attempts to destroy food production and their livelihoods. There IS HOPE as the culture wakes up to , well, Clearly unworkable propaganda and agendas.

Loved the Chinese history lesson ::)) terrific examples !!

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